Adam Tomeček

Simple e-mail service with Rails - Part 7: Reactivity with Turbo Streams

I’d consider our simple email client fairly complete in regards of its functionality. It can send and receive emails, group emails to related topics and work with attachments. That’s about it if yo...

Simple e-mail service with Rails - Part 6: Sending Replies

Now that we can see Topics, there’s one last thing that’s missing. We can track replies, but there’s no way to send a reply. Technically, sending a reply should be opposite process as receiving one...

Simple e-mail service with Rails - Part 5: Grouping to Topics

You probably expect from your email client to group related emails into topics. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do today. TLDR: You can find the code in this GitHub repository. Every par...

Simple e-mail service with Rails - Part 4: Receiving e-mails

Our app is now able to send e-mails with attachments. That’s a good first step, but you’d probably expect your e-mail service to be able to receive e-mails too. So let’s get that going. Luckily for...

Simple e-mail service with Rails - Part 3: Adding attachments

In the last part, we’ve learned how to send an e-mail. Even if with formatted text, we’re still missing attachments. Rails ActionText editor can handle attachments, but it’s a bit tricky. We would ...

Simple e-mail service with Rails - Part 2: Sending first e-mail

This hopefully soon-to-be series was started quite a while ago when I was exploring new Rails features. Especially Turbo and ActionMailer. I finished the demo app and started writing articles while...

Simple e-mail service with Rails - Part 1: Setup

This hopefully soon-to-be series was started quite a while ago when I was exploring new Rails features. Especially Turbo and ActionMailer. I finished the demo app and started writing articles while...

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